Makhno-bevægelsen 1918-1921


  Daniell Marcussen

9.0 Bilag

                Bilag 1: Petropavlovsk-resolutionen

                Bilag 2: Anti-Makhno plakat

                Bilag 3: Forside af bladet Krokodil nr. 24, 1936

                Bilag 4: Ordre nr. 1824

                Bilag 5: Proklamation fra Makhno-bevægelsen

10.0 Litteraturliste


9.0 Bilag 

Bilag 1: Petropavlovsk-resolutionen 



Efter at have hørt, hvad de repræsentanter havde at rapportere, som fællesmødet havde sendt til Petrograd for at skaffe sig klarhed over situationen der, har vi besluttet:

1. I betragtning af, at de bestående sovjetter ikke udtrykker arbejdernes og bøndernes vilje, omgående at gennemføre nyvalg til sovjetterne ved hemmelig afstemning og fri forudgående valgagitation for alle arbejdere og bønder.

2. Tale- og pressefrihed for arbejder og bønder, anarkister og venstresocialistiske partier.

3. Forsamlingsfrihed, frihed for fagforeninger og bondesammenslutninger.

4. Senest den 10. marts 1921 at indkalde til en ikke partibunden konference for arbejdere, soldater og matroser fra byerne Petrograd og Kronstadt og fra guvernementet Petrograd.

5. At befri alle politiske fanger, som tilhører socialistiske partier, så vel som alle arbejdere og bønder, soldater og matroser, der er blevet fængslet i forbindelse med arbejder- og bondebevægelser.

6. At vælge en kommision til gennemgang af akterne i alle processer mod indsatte i fængsler eller i koncentrationslejre.

7. At afskaffe enhver form for politiske afdelinger, da intet enkeltparti må have monopol på at propagandere for sine ideer og modtage penge fra staten til dette formål. I stedet for skal de lokale organisationer vælge kultur- og uddannelseskommissioner, som skal understøttes af staten.

8. Omgående at afskaffe alle spærreafdelinger.

9. Lige store levnedsmiddelrationer til alle, med undtagelse af dem, der har sundhedsfarlige erhverv.

10. At afskaffe de kommunistiske detachementer i alle troppeenheder og de forskellige kommunistiske vagtposter i fabrikker og værksteder. Hvis sådanne vagtposter og detachementer skulle vise sig at være nødvendige, kan de i militæret vælges ud af kompagnierne og i fabrikkerne og værkstederne indsættes efter arbejdernes skøn.

11. At give bønderne fuld ret til at bestemme over al deres jord som de vil, og at eje kvæg, så længe de selv kan passe det, d.v.s. ikke anvender lønnet arbejdskraft.

12. Vi opfordrer alle militærenheder og vores kammerater kadetterne til at erklære sig solidariske med vores resolution.

13. Vi kræver, at alle resolutioner så vidt som overhovedet muligt bliver offentliggjort i pressen.

14. At indsætte en mobil kontrolgruppe.

15. At tillade håndværksudøvelse på basis af egen arbejdskraft (d.v.s. uden lønarbejde).


Resolutionen blev vedtaget af brigademødet med alle stemmer på nær to.

                Petritjenko, formand for brigademødet.

                Perepelkin, sekretær.

Resolutionen blev vedtaget med overvældende flertal af hele garnisonen i Kronstadt.

                Vasiljev, formand.

Sammen med kammerat Kalinin stemmer Vasiljev mod resolutionen

Fra Kronstadt Izvestija nr. 1 den 3. marts 1921. Brunse, Niels og Nielsen, Hans-Jørgen: Oprøret i Kronstadt 1921 - et dokumentarium. Rhodos, København, 1973. S. 51f.


Bilag 2: Anti-Makhno plakat


Avrich, Paul: The Anarchists in the Russian Revolution. Thames and Hudson, London, 1973. S. 137. 

Kommunistisk propaganda plakat; Nestor Makhno (yderst til venstre) danner front med General Wrangel, Petliura og den russiske kirke. Et eksempel på den trotskijstiske frontsammenblanding.




Bilag 3: Forside af bladet Krokodil nr. 24, 1936 

Adrian, Henrik og Jensen, Lars Hedegaard: Fundamental historie - Fra krig til krig, Tiden 1914-45. G.E.C. Gads Forlag, København, 1977. S. 213. 

Stalinistisk anti-trotskijstisk propaganda fra bladet Krokodil;

Stalinisterne har tydeligt lært meget af Trotskijs propaganda kampagner mod Makhno og Kronstadt-oprørene. Trotskijs sammenblandingsmodel bruges her af Stalin mod Trotskij der, sammen med Kalinin og Zinovjev, fremstilles som fascistisk agent med bombe i hånden. Ideen bag denne tegning er den samme som den bag plakaten i bilag 2.




Bilag 4: Ordre nr. 1824 


KHAR´KOV, JUNE 4, 1919. 

To all Military Commissars and to all Executive Committees of the districts of Aleksandrovsk, Mariupol´, Berdyansk, Bakhmut, Pavlograd and Kherson.

The Executive Committee of Gulyai-Polye, with the collaboration of the staff of Makhno´s brigade, is trying to call, for the 15th of this month, a congress of soviets and insurgents of the districts of Aleksandrovsk, Mariupol´, Berdyansk, Melitopol´, Bakhmut and Pavlograd. This congress is squarely directed against the Soviet Power in the Ukraine and against the organization of the southern front, where Makhno´s brigade is stationed. This congress can have no other result than to excite some new disgraceful revolt like that of Grigor´ev, and to open the front to the Whites, before whom Makhno´s brigade can only retreat incessantly, on account of the incompetence, criminal designs and treason of its commanders.

1. By the present order this congress is forbidden, and will in no case be allowed to take place.

2. All the peasant and working class population shall be warned, orally and in writing, that participation in the said congress shall be considered an act of high treason against the Soviet Republic and the Soviet front.

3. All the delegates to the said congress shall be arrested immediately and brought before the Revolutionary Military Tribunal of the 14th, formerly 2nd, Army of the Ukraine.

4. The persons spreading the call of Makhno and the Gulyai-Polye Executive Committee shall likewise be arrested.

5. The Present order shall have the force of law as soon as it is telegraphed. It should be widely distributed, displayed in all public places, and sent to the representatives of the executive committees of towns and villages, as well as to all the representatives of Soviet authority, and to commanders and commissars of military units.


                Trotsky, President of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic;

                Vatsetis, Commander in Chief;

                Aralov, Member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic;

                Koshkarev, Military Commissar of the Khar´kov region.


Arshinov, Peter: History of The Makhnovist Movement 1918-1921. Freedom Press, London, 1987. S. 122f.



Bilag 5: Proklamation fra Makhno-bevægelsen 


                To all the peasants and workers of the Ukraine.

                To be sent by telegraph, telephone or post to all villages, rural districts, and governments of the Ukraine. To be read at peasant gatherings, in factories and in workshops.

 Fellow workers! The Revolutionary Insurgent Army of the Ukraine (Makhnovist) was called into existence as a protest against the oppression of the workers and peasants by the bourgeois-landlord authority on the one hand and the Bolshevik-Communist dictatorship on the other.

Setting for itself one goal - the battle for total liberation of the working people of the Ukraine from the oppression of various authorities and the creation of a TRUE SOVIET SOCIALIST ORDER, the insurgent Makhnovist army fought stubbornly on several fronts for the achievement of these goals and at the present time is bringing to a victorious conclusion the struggle against the Denikinist army, liberating region after region, in which every coercive power and every coercive organization is in the process of being removed.

Many peasants and workers are asking: What will happen now? What is to be done? How shall we treat the decrees of the exiled authorities, etc.

All of these questions will be answered finally and in detail at the All-Ukrainian worker-peasant Congress, which must convene immediately, as soon as there is an opportunity for the workers and peasants to come together. This congress will map out and decide all the urgent questions of peasant-worker life.

In view of the fact that the congress will be convened at an indefinite time, the insurgent Makhnovist army finds it necessary to put up the following announcement concerning worker-peasant life:

1. All decrees of the Denikin (volunteer) authority are abolished. Those decrees of the Communist authority which conflict with the interests of the peasants and workers are also repealed. 

                Note: Which decrees of the Communist authority are harmful to the working people must be decided by the working people themselves - the peasants in assemblies, the workers in their factories and workshops. 

2. The lands of the service gentry, of the monasteries, of the princes and other enemies of the toiling masses, with all their live stock and goods, are passed on to the use of those peasants who support themselves sorely through their own labor. This transfer will be carried out in an orderly fashion determined in common at peasant assemblies, which must remember in this matter not only each of their own personal interest, but also bear in mind the common interest of all the oppressed, working peasantry.

3. Factories, workshops, mines and other tools and means of production become the property of the working class as a whole, which will run all enterprises themselves, through their trade unions, getting production under way and striving to tie together all industry in the country in a singel, unitary organization.

4. It is being proposed that all peasant and worker organizations start the construction of free worker-peasant soviets. Only laborers who are contributing work necessary to the social economy should participate in the soviets. Representives of political organizations have no place in worker-peasant soviets, since their participation in a workers´ soviet will transform the latter into deputies of the party and can lead to the downfall of the soviet system.

5. The existence of the Cheka, of party committees and similar compulsury authoritative and discilpinary institutions is intolerence in the mindst of free peasants and workers.

6. Freedom of speech, press, assembly, unions and the like are inalienable rights of every worker and any restriction on them is a counter-revolutionary act.

7. State militia, policemen and armies are abolished. Instead of them the people will organize their own self-defense. Self-defense can be organized only by workers and peasants.

8. The worker-peasant soviets, the self-defense groups of workers and peasants and also every worker and peasant must not permit any counter-revolutionary manifestation whatsoever by the bourgeoisie and officers. Nor should they tolerate the appearance of banditry. Everyone convicted of counter-revolution or banditry will be shot on the spot.

9. Soviet and Ukrainian money must be accepted equally with other monies. Those guilty of violation of thisare subject of revolutionary punishment.

10. The exchange of work products and goods will remain free; for the time being this activity will not be taken over by the worker-peasant organizations. But at the same time, it is proposed that the exchange of work products take place chiefly BETWEEN WORKING PEOPLE.

11. All individuals deliberately obstructing the distributions of this declaration will be considered counter-revolutionary.


                Revolutionary Military Soviet and Comand Staff of the Revolutionary Insurgent Army of the Ukraine (Makhnovist)

 January 7, 1920.


Arshinov, Peter: History of The Makhnovist Movement 1918-1921. Freedom Press, London, 1987. S. 265ff.



10.0 Litteraturliste 

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